Marianne Delorey of Colony Retirement Homes

In Loco Parentis

By Marianne Delorey I’ve been working in elder care for 30 plus years. I write every month about how to prepare for the inevitable. I...
Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.

Avoiding the mark  

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. "It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have...

When I turn 80 I’m going to get a cat

By Marianne Delorey Heather spent her life as a caregiver. First, she took care of her children. Then, she made her career in nursing. Later,...
Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.

Subsidized versus market leases

By Marianne Delorey Photo Marianne Delorey, Photo submitted Low income housing and market rate housing have more in common than not. The leases for these apartments,...
Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.

It is better to give than receive

By Marianne Delorey (Photo Marianne Delorey, Photo submitted) “If you can’t feed 100 people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa This is the story of Benny....
Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.

With or without you

By Marianne Delorey Dearest Relative, I recently mentioned my worries about you living in that big, old house with the stairs. You made it clear you...

Back in my day

By Marianne Delorey “Age is foolish and forgetful when it underestimates youth.”  – J.K. Rowling Tension between the generations is natural. Even young toddlers need to...

Movies and the elderly

In 1985, a comic first appeared that proposed one way to judge a film. The Bechdel Test is a simple measure about a movie’s inclusion of female characters. The test asks: 1) Does the movie have at least two women in it? 2) Do they talk to each other? and 3) Does their conversation touch on anything other than a man? Because the Oscars are coming up, this article focuses on creating a similar way to rate how elder-friendly a movie is. Because of the length and breadth of her career, I am calling this the Betty White Movie scale.

I am grief

By Marianne Delorey I am grief. I am ugliness borne out of love and loss. I am powerful. I can bring the strongest among you...

‘FLIPPING’ the situation

I hated fifth grade.  Almost 40 years later I can say without exaggeration it remains one of the worst years of my life. It was the first time that I truly had a hard time getting along with others, perhaps because we were all struggling with pre-adolescence in our own way.