Planting the seed

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” – Proverb When people think of planning for their later years, they think about saving for retirement. This is great, but it is not enough. Planting a tree requires thinking about water, soil and sun. People have more diverse needs. They need food, clothing, shelter, and health care. But they also need to fill their psychological needs. Some need something to do, a purpose in being, a goal. This may be harder to plan for, but it is important none the less.

Is discretion truly the better part of valor?

I sat down recently with four card players. It turns out, only one was still driving. There seemed to be a common thread among the others – in all three cases, it seemed like they all had stories where driving had been taken away from them in a seemingly underhanded fashion. One lady recently moved back to Massachusetts from Florida. Her son told her to sell her car and they’d find her one up here. Well, conveniently, finding a new car has not become a priority.

Best towns in Central Mass. for retirees

By Marianne Delorey Everyone seems to take a stab at rating communities on different criteria.  A simple search on “best places” helps people decide where...

Speak Bostonian: Advice on how to find suitable housing

By Marianne Delorey © Recently, a marketing genius at the Department of Transportation got a simple message across statewide by talking to commuters in the...

Couple finds love late in life at a senior complex

By Marianne Delorey I am a closet romantic. Yet, it is not young love that makes my heart quiver. I look at young people in love...

Best towns in Central Mass. for retirees – Transportation options

By Marianne Delorey This article is the last in a series about the towns in Central Massachusetts and how they can attract and retain more...

There is no ‘I’ in team

Over the summer, I play softball with a bunch of other women in my town. I am older than and not as nimble as my younger teammates. Even if I were, I’ve never been particularly athletic. But, they let me play and I enjoy my time on the field. Granted, I am always a bit worried that I am going to mess up, but even when I do, someone is there to back me up and we keep playing. I am part of a team. That is what teammates do.

Happy life, happy home, happy transitions

By David J. Dowd Working with seniors in transition is very interesting. As people live longer there is a startling variety of lifestyles and attitudes...

Not your typical rags to riches story

By Marianne Delorey Each industry has their own way of showing off their accomplishments to the world.  The armed forces gives out medals, the music...

The new reality show: An elder in an empty apartment

By Marianne Delorey I’ve never been much for reality TV, but there is one show that hits home in my profession. The show is Design...