Tips on how to downsize your home

By David J. Dowd Moving to a smaller space can be stressful, emotional and time consuming. It’s no secret we tend to accumulate items over...

You can’t take it with you

By Marianne Delorey Americans tend to have more stuff than they need. At no time is this more apparent than when they are downsizing. There...

Those who humble themselves will be exalted

A large part of our success in aging well has to do with how we cope with changes in our bodies. All bodies change over time. There are amazing people who are able to continue using the same skills well into older adulthood. There are also some incredible people who develop or hone new skills as they age. For most people, however, we need to be mindful that our changing abilities can affect our self-esteem. Those who pride themselves on their intellect may face an easier time with sore knees than memory loss, and those that were very skilled with their hands might have an easier time with cataracts than arthritis. But none of us are immune to the frustrations of changing bodies. Very often, we have to remind ourselves, if not society in general, of our own worth, even as we lose some of our functioning.

Home is where the heart is

By Marianne Delorey “Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head… That way it will go with...

Young at heart: The story of a child’s positive influence

By Marianne Delorey Little Ava came with her grammy to talk to the housing manager about her lease. “Hmm?” Ava asked, toddling over to the...

Holding a hand and letting go

By Marianne Delorey I remember holding my son’s hands while he learned to walk. There is nothing quite like the feeling of letting go and...

Aging drills

By Marianne Delorey “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think...

If not grace…

I think often of what it means to age gracefully. Of the hundreds of elders I have met, I am most awed by those who make aging well seem so easy. One of my role models is Janice. Janice puts herself together every day. Her outfit is matched and her hair is coiffed. She is the quintessential lady. She doesn't have an unkind word for anyone. She is upbeat and forward-thinking. She is sharp as a tack and attentive and engaging in conversation. This month she turns 105 years old.

Best towns in Central Mass. for seniors – a review of medical amenities

By Marianne Delorey This article is part of a series comparing the towns in Worcester County for seniors. The focus of this part is on the...

What to do when your castle is a hassle

By David J. Dowd Seniors have many more choices for housing than their parents did. Many elders are not aware of some of the available...