Mother was right: wash your hands before dinner

By Angela Rocheleau No matter how old you are some things never change. When mom said, “You go wash your hands or NO dinner,”...

Heart to heart advice for families and caregivers

By Angela Rocheleau February is National Heart Month and here are a few interesting facts to ponder. Every year since its congressional approval in 1963,...
Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.

When a blessing becomes a burden

By Marianne Delorey My grandmother was a crafter and a collector. She hand-braided rugs, created beautiful decoupage, quilted, and probably had her hand in many,...

Hiring caregivers: An agency versus an independent

By Doug Peck Taking care of an elderly parent or relative is never an easy task. There is an endless of number of critical decisions...

Stay in your home forever: Your bedroom

By Cindy Tulimeri and Karen DeRosas Your bedroom serves many functions such as sleeping and dressing. During the day your bedroom may seem perfectly safe. But...

Rotating a schedule of care when looking after a loved-one

By Angela Rocheleau We often write about caregiving since this is one area we just can’t say enough about. There are so many families struggling...

How do you take care of the caregiver?

Did you know that couples over age 65 are connected in such a way that the health of one person is related to the health of the other?

Safety tips to prepare for a senior move in

By Angela Rocheleau Many families are consolidating living spaces this season by moving senior members into their homes. For some families this may be an...

A guide to services designed to assist you at home

By Michael Trigilio Within each of us lies a fundamental desire to live in our own home —  safely and securely —  with as much...