Plant the seeds for making plans this spring

This is the time for planning all those family occasions and vacations. Are your elderly family members involved in that plan? Who will take care of the grandparents?

Caregiving for the cognitively impaired through expressive arts

By David Price Madison Square Garden, October 2009: My wife, Sylvia and I are delighted to attend the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame 25th...

Senior moments or dementia? How to tell the difference

By Angela Rocheleau Have you ever been carrying on a conversation and suddenly you can’t remember the name of your best friend, the movie you...

Heart to heart advice for families and caregivers

By Angela Rocheleau February is National Heart Month and here are a few interesting facts to ponder. Every year since its congressional approval in 1963,...

Respite for caregivers, the unsung heroes of the family

The boomer population will increase by almost 70 percent over the next 15 years, which will result in an increased need for caretakers to help this aging group.

Safety tips to prepare for a senior move in

By Angela Rocheleau Many families are consolidating living spaces this season by moving senior members into their homes. For some families this may be an...

How can families cope with isolated older relatives?

Summer seems to fliy by quickly in New England. Before you know it the cold weather arrives. For seniors, that means more isolation and lack of exercise.

How do you take care of the caregiver?

Did you know that couples over age 65 are connected in such a way that the health of one person is related to the health of the other?

Facing Alzheimer’s: Help is just around the corner

Every 70 seconds someone in America develops Alzheimer’s disease. It is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. One in eight people aged 65 or older have the disease. In Worcester County alone, over 14,000 people have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

Tips to consider when looking for a home care agency

Working in the home care industry, I have noticed that many families have a lot of difficulty finding the right home care agency for their loved ones.