What to look for in a home care agency

By Angela Rocheleau There is a great interest in home-health services these days as the boomer population begins turning 65. With so many options available...

Holidays present challenges for older loved ones

“Tis the season.” Winter is a special time for caution if you or someone in your family is an older adult. It is the season for the flu, for slips on icy streets, and for other dangers that are particularly great for seniors.

When older loved-ones begin neglecting themselves

By Angela Rocheleau Experiencing the decline of aging parents or grandparents is difficult to watch. When an elderly family member becomes depressed or is neglecting...

How do I know when my parents need help at home?

By Judith Boyko Caregiving advice is plentiful, but how do we know when our aging parents need assistance or when we need to become a...

Senior moments or dementia? How to tell the difference

By Angela Rocheleau Have you ever been carrying on a conversation and suddenly you can’t remember the name of your best friend, the movie you...

New Year’s resolutions for family caregivers

By Doug Peck One of the hardest lessons I had to learn as a caregiver was that I could not provide all the hands-on care...

Enhance communications skills with a frail family member

By Angela Rocheleau There are many key factors that will help caregivers be successful as they care for aging family members, perhaps none more important...

Facing the caregiver challenge

By Angela Rocheleau Americans 65 years and older will quadruple in the next three decades. With this expected population growth many of us will be...

You, too, may become a caregiver

By Douglas Peck Who do you think of when you hear the word “caregiver”? A doctor? A nurse? A Red Cross or disaster aid worker?...

Safe surfing for seniors or watch out for Internet scams

By Angela Rocheleau Older Americans who grew up in the era of rotary-dial phones and black and white TVs are a rapidly making their mark...