As we age, we may need to increase our level of exercise to maintain muscle mass. “Physical health and being active daily is key,” said Ellen Birchander, program director of UMass Boston’s Department of Gerontology, McCormack Graduate School. Photo/Amanda Mills, USCDCP

Slowing down the aging process may not be as hard as you think

By Colin McCandless, Contributing Writer BOSTON - As we get older most everyone wants to tap into the fountain of youth and learn how to...
Leafy green vegetables are considered to be one of the most nutritious foods needed in our diet.

The importance of eating enough leafy greens

By Sharon Oliver, Contributing Writer REGION - Vegetables come in all sorts of forms, sizes and colors and are packed with vital nutrients. Red beets,...
Recumbent tricycles are becoming especially popular with older adults. Photo/Helen Kahn, All Out Adventures

Recumbent bicycles growing in popularity among older adults

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer If you’re a recumbent bicyclist, you recognize it as a familiar experience. That’s because as a child, you probably rode...

ECRG Autumn 2021-Spring 2022

Dr. Bruce Cohen works with one of his fitness clients.

Exercise physiologist accepts no excuses for not exercising

By Matt Robinson, Contributing Writer REGION - As people recover from holiday-inspired indulgence and prepare for the year ahead, one of the most popular promises...
“It seems like there is something new for our community every year,” says Alexander Pooler, director of assistive technology at the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.

Technology helping the blind or visually impaired ‘see’

By Peg Lopata, Contributing Writer REGION - Sometimes the profusion of apps, new devices and other tech tools could make you dizzy―but choices are good,...
Eighty-eight-year-old Louise and 93-year-old Bill Landen of Westborough partially attribute their longevity to daily walks they take together. Photo/Nance Ebert

Walking benefits emotional wellbeing as well as physical health

By Nance Ebert, Contributing Writer REGION - Walking is an activity that people of all ages can enjoy and benefit from with very little investment...
Exposure to noise levels over 85 decibels for two hours or longer may cause hearing damage.

Noise pollution is more than an inconvenience

By Sharon Longo, Contributing Writer REGION – Hammers pound, a train passes by, a car horn blasts, a lawn mower hums; sounds like a typical...
Despite the name, urgent care centers are not suitable for life-threatening conditions.

Know the limits of using urgent care centers

By Debbie Spingarn, Contributing Writer REGION - With nearly two hundred urgent care centers in Massachusetts, many people have used these freestanding medical care facilities...
“Humans evolved to move. We evolved to be physically active,” says Harvard professor and evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman.

Whatever your age, exercise is good for you

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer When he gets up in the morning for his daily run in Cambridge, the weather is often cold and miserable...