Reverse mortgages – uncomfortable questions

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA (Photo Alain Valles, Photo submitted) Many have heard the words “reverse mortgage,” but few have a clear understanding of...

Reverse Mortgages – Ask the Expert

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA (Photo Alain Valles, Photo submitted) You are invited to ask the questions. No question is too trivial or...

Reverse mortgages. The magic wand?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA Managing Director Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. How will you pay for retirement? If you are over 61-years-old, own a home...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Senior housing finance:  You’re a winner

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA, Managing Director Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. “The winner is...” – YOU! I enjoyed watching the Academy Awards last month to see...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

A new local resource for senior homeowners

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. “If you give it out in slices it comes back in loaves.” As...

Reverse Mortgages – Good or Bad?

Reverse mortgages have been around since 1987 and have helped hundreds of thousands of older homeowners to live in their homes and have access to cash. Reverse mortgages are the most heavily regulated loan program in the country with periodic government changes to continue to strengthen the program.

Reverse Mortgage Attributes

The Oxford Dictionary defines “attribute” as a “quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something.” Attributes are rarely all good or all bad but depend on how the attribute is used. This specifically applies to reverse mortgages.

Should I stay or should I move?

Real estate values continue to increase but so do major living expenses. Does it make more sense to downsize or figure out a plan to remain financially independent at home?  It reminds me of the old Clash song - “Should I stay or should I go?”

Reverse mortgages and retirement risks

If you’re approaching retirement or hopefully enjoying retirement, there may be a nagging concern of have you done everything possible to minimize your financial risks?  Whether you have professional advisors, do your own planning - or perhaps worse, ignore the entire topic - below are economic areas that can affect your quality of life once you stop working:

It’s never too late to improve your financial future

If you are in your 50s or 60s, you most likely are at that stage of your life where college bills and mortgage payments, while perhaps not quite a thing of the past, are well on their way to being just that. You probably are not yet ready to retire, but for many it is closer than ever. Although people are living longer, however, the expenses of life are not declining. And, according to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), over 23 million older adults are economically insecure, either living at/below poverty or one financial crisis away.