The market rollercoaster stops here

If you are like many Americans, some or all of your retirement income is tied up in the stock market. Perhaps you own stock directly, or participate in a mutual fund, or an annuity, or have invested in a 401(k) or company pension plan. So you probably pay attention to how the market is doing, hoping that your savings will be protected and – hopefully – continue to grow.

Wake up your lazy asset with new lending option

By Alain Valles If you are like most people your two largest retirement assets are your investment savings and your home. However, due to its...

Reverse mortgages and retirement risks

If you’re approaching retirement or hopefully enjoying retirement, there may be a nagging concern of have you done everything possible to minimize your financial risks?  Whether you have professional advisors, do your own planning - or perhaps worse, ignore the entire topic - below are economic areas that can affect your quality of life once you stop working:

Use a reverse mortgage to combat stock market anxiety

By Alain Valles CRMP, MBA, CSA The prospect of living out one's life in the "golden years" has lost its glow. Wild stock market swings and a...

Enjoy your life!

You've worked hard all your life. Now let your home work for you. By Alain Valles, MBA, MS Discover if a Reverse Mortgage is right for...

Reverse mortgage: A lifesaver

Reverse mortgages have helped tens of thousands of older homeowners avoid serious financial difficulties by converting illiquid home equity into available tax-free cash. Recent changes in this government-insured loan program have helped to significantly reduce the cost while also strengthening protection for the borrower.

Reverse Mortgage: How to make the right decision

 By Alain Valles Does it makes sense for you to get the newly improved, federally insured reverse mortgage? A decision like this can seem overwhelming....

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

A tough choice for senior homeowners   By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Managing Director The rock ‘n roll band, The Clash, had a hit...

Take action before the reverse mortgage rules change in March

By Alain Valles Over the past 25 years hundreds of thousands of homeowners age 62 years or older have converted the equity in their home...
Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA

Reverse mortgages – What’s the process?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA Too many ads and TV commercials only highlight the benefits of reverse mortgages, and are silent about the...