Durable Powers of Attorney: Not so durable after all?

By Linda T. Cammuso A Durable Power of Attorney (DPOA), sometimes called just a “Power of Attorney,” is a legal document that allows you to...

Job market challenging for baby boomers

But as many boomers have lost their jobs and faced long-term unemployment in the Great Recession, career change has been difficult.

Financial Literacy Quiz: Test your financial IQ

Even the most financially savvy individuals encounter and sometimes let personal finance myths influence how they manage their money. Some of these misconceptions are rooted in faulty information right from the start.

Small business owners neglect retirement savings

“I started thinking about all the money that had run through my hands over the years, millions of dollars,” says Kari Block, owner of Earth-Kind.

Membership eligibility to join a credit union

 By David A. L’Ecuyer In order to be eligible to join a credit union, the potential member must fit into the Field of Membership (FOM)...

It’s never too late to improve your financial future

If you are in your 50s or 60s, you most likely are at that stage of your life where college bills and mortgage payments, while perhaps not quite a thing of the past, are well on their way to being just that. You probably are not yet ready to retire, but for many it is closer than ever. Although people are living longer, however, the expenses of life are not declining. And, according to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), over 23 million older adults are economically insecure, either living at/below poverty or one financial crisis away.

Reverse mortgages and retirement risks

If you’re approaching retirement or hopefully enjoying retirement, there may be a nagging concern of have you done everything possible to minimize your financial risks?  Whether you have professional advisors, do your own planning - or perhaps worse, ignore the entire topic - below are economic areas that can affect your quality of life once you stop working:

Myths about money in retirement punctured

We haven’t saved enough, too many of us retire without financial security, and we may need to work longer to achieve it — assuming we can hang onto our jobs or find new ones. No wonder that workers and retirees are more pessimistic about their future prospects than they’ve been in years.

Reverse mortgages:  Get the facts

I was recently at a local charity event and invariably people asked what I do? My answer is always “I save financial lives by educating people about reverse mortgages and, when appropriated, arrange them.” That’s usually followed by a polite sigh and then the person stating: “Aren’t those bad? Doesn’t the person lose their home to the bank or government? Don’t the kids lose their inheritance? Don’t you have to have no mortgage? Isn’t a reverse mortgage a last resort?” In other words, they’re really asking “Aren’t you just taking advantage of old people?”

Learn from Groundhog Day: Stop making these 5 money mistakes

Many of us are like Bill Murray’s weatherman in the movie Groundhog Day, when it comes to managing our own money. We’re searching for a way to break through repeating the same financial mistakes and reckless habits.