The right fit: Tips for hiring a financial adviser

Hiring financial help is hard. Anyone looking for assistance managing their money will quickly encounter an alphabet soup of professional designations.

Taxes: Claim your elderly parents as dependents

The bottom line is, who’s a dependent? Your kindergarten-age son, your adult daughter, her grandparents, or maybe an elderly uncle or aunt?

Baby boomers turn to college to boost job skills

Steve Newman never expected to be going back to college in his 50s to train for a new job. But the 51-year-old also never expected to get laid off three years ago after 25 years as a civil engineer.
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Life can be better with a reverse mortgage

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Managing Director My wife recently asked me what is my biggest fear?  She was surprised to hear...

Reverse Mortgages – Financial Security

Know your options - Take action By Alain Valles, MBS, MS I’ve been helping older homeowners for over 20 years navigate how  to financially keep their...

Recession or depression – Reverse Mortgages as the solution

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS  One of the oldest economic quips is — “a recession is when you lose your job, and a depression is...

Reverse mortgage myth busters

By Alain Valles Reverse mortgages are becoming a crucial component of financial planning for senior homeowners. These government-insured loans, also known as Home Equity Conversion...
Borrowers over the age of fifty make up almost a quarter of the current debt owed.

Properly managing student loan debt is even more important for older borrowers

By Nance Ebert, Contributing Writer REGION - Student loan debt is a heavy burden for people of all ages. But did you know that borrowers...

Learn from Groundhog Day: Stop making these 5 money mistakes

Many of us are like Bill Murray’s weatherman in the movie Groundhog Day, when it comes to managing our own money. We’re searching for a way to break through repeating the same financial mistakes and reckless habits.

There’s no need to be afraid of a reverse mortgage

By Alain Valles You’ve heard bits and pieces about reverse mortgages. Perhaps you have read an article, or had a friend suggest that you get...