7 resolutions for retirees in 2012

Retirees may be past the days of resolving to work out more or buy fewer $4 coffees. Yet when it comes to money in particular, resolutions may be even more important for those living on fixed income.
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Can a reverse mortgage solve the world’s problems?

Things that keep us up at night The ramifications on the world economy of Britain leaving the European Union, increasing tensions between China and Russia, a contentious Presidential election, terrorism, the ongoing Middle East crisis, and the global warming debate. All are examples of events that we have little control over but are causing tremendous concerns.

Reverse Mortgages – Good or Bad?

Reverse mortgages have been around since 1987 and have helped hundreds of thousands of older homeowners to live in their homes and have access to cash. Reverse mortgages are the most heavily regulated loan program in the country with periodic government changes to continue to strengthen the program.
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Reverse mortgages and the new administration

By Alain Valles, CSA, MS, MBA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners Change is always the constant Over the past 30 years hundreds of thousands of...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

A new local resource for senior homeowners

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. “If you give it out in slices it comes back in loaves.” As...

Identity theft victims face months of hassle

As soon as Mark Kim found out his personal information was compromised in a data breach at Target last year, the tech worker signed up for the retailer’s free credit monitoring offer.

Retirees may find their benefits targeted for cuts

It’s a case of broken promises. A growing number of companies are reneging on health insurance and other retirement benefits, leaving retirees scrambling and sometimes uninsured.

Second marriages pose challenges in estate, benefits planning

Second marriages are as common in the 50 plus population as they are with younger married couples. Couples who have remarried are often unaware of the legal and financial implications of their marriage.

Older birthdays offer extra reasons to rejoice

Even if the candles don’t all fit on the cake, there’s extra reason to celebrate some key older birthdays in the post-meltdown economy.

Five steps to protect your 401(k) during market activity

It’s been a harrowing ride in the stock market lately. So much so that it’s prompted scores of investors to pull money out of the market and park it in bonds or other fixed-income assets.