Are you financially prepared to retire?

It’s unusual to feel financially well prepared for retirement. That’s due partly to the poor performance of stocks over the past decade. But mostly it’s due to not socking enough money away.

Will you be able to afford to ‘age in place’?

I love my home. It is familiar, cozy and the place where I feel most secure and comfortable. I never want to leave. In fact, few people are eager to make a change in where they live, even as they grow older and their needs change. Studies have shown that 90 percent of adults over the age of 65 would prefer to stay in their current residence as they age.

Your savory recipe for retirement

The gravy is steaming next to the savory stuffing and sweet potatoes. There are four types of pie for dessert — pumpkin, apple, sweet potato, and pecan. Every family has its own unique Thanksgiving dinner traditions but, as we all know, a carefully followed recipe is key to creating a perfect holiday meal. If you fail to plan, or measure your ingredients poorly, your pie could be a real flop. The same can be said for financial planning and preparing for your future.

Five steps to protect your 401(k) during market activity

It’s been a harrowing ride in the stock market lately. So much so that it’s prompted scores of investors to pull money out of the market and park it in bonds or other fixed-income assets.

Retirees turn more attention to personal legacies

Life histories, ethical wills and video recordings are just some of the ways people are leaving their personal legacies for loved ones. Their use is becoming more common and small businesses are emerging to meet the demand.

7 resolutions for retirees in 2012

Retirees may be past the days of resolving to work out more or buy fewer $4 coffees. Yet when it comes to money in particular, resolutions may be even more important for those living on fixed income.

Retired couples may need $220K for health care

A recent survey by Merrill Lynch found that health care expenses were the number one retirement worry among people preparing to retire. Three out of five retirees surveyed said they were forced to retire earlier than expected due to a health problem.

The new reverse mortgage: A wise decision

By Alain Valles You’ve worked hard, sacrificed for the kids, tried to save for retirement and chipped away at your mortgage. But now you need...

4 steps for planning retirement health care costs

A new survey by Sun Life Financial found that 92 percent of workers said they don’t know how much their health care will cost in retirement or vastly underestimate the amount.

Reverse mortgage – Feeling anxious?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Charitable Managing Director   Information you can trust   As Managing Director of the nonprofit charitable mortgage company, Helping Hands...