Reverse mortgage myth busters

By Alain Valles Reverse mortgages are becoming a crucial component of financial planning for senior homeowners. These government-insured loans, also known as Home Equity Conversion...

States’ grandparent visitation laws raise concern

A growing number of grandparents are pushing lawmakers around the country to change state standards they say are too restrictive and ignore the unique bonds many grandparents have with their grandchildren.

Joseph McManus, RICP®, Financial Planner, Prudential Advisors

Helping you navigate your finances as you plan for retirement   By Bonnie Adams, Managing Editor Marlborough - Last December the U.S. Congress passed, and President...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

I love my home. I love my independence. I love my reverse mortgage.

By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Managing Director “I love my home.  I’m getting older.  I want to be financially independent and prepared. ...

Families at odds over financial planning

it is important to plan a detailed discussion, given the strong likelihood that older parents and their adult children have conflicting expectations about issues such as elder care, retirement security and inheritance.
Setbacks in the stock market during a recession are usually temporary, so investors should stick to their long-term plans and not pull money out of the market.

What you can do if inflation leads to a recession

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer REGION - Inflation is on the minds of just about everyone these days. But could it get even worse? Is...

Will you be able to afford to ‘age in place’?

I love my home. It is familiar, cozy and the place where I feel most secure and comfortable. I never want to leave. In fact, few people are eager to make a change in where they live, even as they grow older and their needs change. Studies have shown that 90 percent of adults over the age of 65 would prefer to stay in their current residence as they age.

Financial Literacy Quiz: Test your financial IQ

Even the most financially savvy individuals encounter and sometimes let personal finance myths influence how they manage their money. Some of these misconceptions are rooted in faulty information right from the start.

Reverse mortgages: be prepared

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life.” Time has shown this to be true. The...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Can a reverse mortgage solve the world’s problems?

Things that keep us up at night The ramifications on the world economy of Britain leaving the European Union, increasing tensions between China and Russia, a contentious Presidential election, terrorism, the ongoing Middle East crisis, and the global warming debate. All are examples of events that we have little control over but are causing tremendous concerns.