Older workers delaying retirement plans

The recession claimed Sadowski’s business and a chunk of his savings, and with four teenage daughters, the graphic designer accepts the fact he won’t retire for another five years or more.

The ins and outs of reverse mortgages

By Alain Valles “I heard reverse mortgages are bad” is the response I often receive when I tell people what I do. Fortunately, I don’t...

Social Security and reverse mortgages

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA Is 62 the best time to start receiving Social Security? According to the Social Security Administration, you may start receiving...

5 ways for retirees to save on future taxes

Taking maximum advantage of tax breaks and other strategies will make savings last longer, which is critical for those living on a fixed income.

7 retirement planning myths debunked

The days of counting on Uncle Sam and a company pension to carry you through old age are long gone. We’re living increasingly in a “yoyo” economy — short for “you’re on your own.”

Reverse mortgages: be prepared

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “Change is the only constant in life.” Time has shown this to be true. The...

5 signs U.S. job market finally accelerating

More workers in the prime 25- to 54-year-old age group are finding jobs. The winter freeze was less destructive to hiring than had been assumed. Layoffs have declined since February. And an increase in hours worked suggest that incomes will rise.

The market rollercoaster stops here

If you are like many Americans, some or all of your retirement income is tied up in the stock market. Perhaps you own stock directly, or participate in a mutual fund, or an annuity, or have invested in a 401(k) or company pension plan. So you probably pay attention to how the market is doing, hoping that your savings will be protected and – hopefully – continue to grow.

What types of people get a reverse mortgage?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, President- Direct Finance Corp. Let's play a little game. The next time you attend a high school class reunion, visit your...

Women face extra obstacles to secure retirement

The fear of ending up poor or even running out of money in retirement still gnaws at many women in particular.