Reverse Mortgages – Children’s concerns

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS Are you at least 62 years old and own a home with some equity? Do you wish to have access...

Financial advice proves helpful for self-employed individuals planning for retirement

By Leslie Anderson, Contributing Writer REGION - Operating a successful business reflects long-held goals for many people. Working for oneself provides a certain satisfaction of...

The new reverse mortgage: A wise decision

By Alain Valles You’ve worked hard, sacrificed for the kids, tried to save for retirement and chipped away at your mortgage. But now you need...

Adult children living with parents on rise

Christy Landrigan, of Fort Wayne, belongs to a growing number of adults who have moved back in with their parents. Adult children living at home climbed from 19 percent to 22 percent in Allen County between 2000 and 2010, according to recently released census figures.

Aging issues can put retirees’ money at risk

Years of handling your own finances and investments sharpen the ability to make sound decisions. But failing to prepare for the day when growing older hampers your judgment can be costly at an age when more is at stake.

Boomers retire, shift from saving to spending

The market bottom was just two years ago, so investors are still fearful of steep loses. They’re looking for more ways to guarantee that they can turn their savings into a steady income stream without totally handing over control of their money.

Reverse Mortgages – Just a call away

The Holidays Are Over - Time to Get Serious   By Alain Valles, MBA, MS Happy Healthy New Year That blessing is not just for your physical wellbeing...

Save money with FHA loans

By Alain Valles On Jan. 7 President Obama announced that the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) will drastically lower the cost of FHA mortgage insurance by...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Can a reverse mortgage solve the world’s problems?

Things that keep us up at night The ramifications on the world economy of Britain leaving the European Union, increasing tensions between China and Russia, a contentious Presidential election, terrorism, the ongoing Middle East crisis, and the global warming debate. All are examples of events that we have little control over but are causing tremendous concerns.

There’s no need to be afraid of a reverse mortgage

By Alain Valles You’ve heard bits and pieces about reverse mortgages. Perhaps you have read an article, or had a friend suggest that you get...