Health overhaul’s long-term care insurance plan bites the dust

Kennedy’s original idea was to give families some financial breathing room. Most families cannot afford to hire a home health aide for a frail elder, let alone pay nursing home bills. Care is usually provided by family members, often a spouse who may also have health problems.

Own real estate? Want to buy?

Need money? - Know your options!  By Alain Valles, MBA, MS Real Estate is Good News Why buy?  It’s simple – you’ll have a better chance of...

Retirement: How much can I live on?

The days of being able to count on averaging 10 percent annual returns from the stock market are over. So, it is important for retirees to know just how much they can take out of their portfolios every year without drawing them down too fast.

Reverse mortgages: ‘Lean on Me’

By Alain Vallès, CSA, MS, MBA, Managing Director Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. 781-724-6221/   Many of us are currently facing very tough economic times and uncertainty.  And...

Know the true cost when making a decision

By Alain Valles With recent improvements made by the federal government to the reverse mortgage program, the cost of most reverse mortgages have dropped by...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Reverse mortgages and the new administration

By Alain Valles, CSA, MS, MBA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners Change is always the constant Over the past 30 years hundreds of thousands of...

Reverse mortgage: regained hope?

By Alain Valles, CRMP Everyone has heard the words “reverse mortgage.” But few people really know how one works. However, most of us know the challenge,...

Reverse mortgages. The magic wand?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA Managing Director Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. How will you pay for retirement? If you are over 61-years-old, own a home...

Could a market decline help your 401(k)?

Money managers say take a breath — downturns could offer opportunities to strengthen your retirement savings for the long run.

Forced to retire, some take Social Security early

Paul Skidmore’s office is shuttered, his job gone, his 18-month job search fruitless and his unemployment benefits exhausted. So at 63, he filed for Social Security benefits, three years earlier than planned.