Outer Banks: More than sun and sand

I stood frozen with fear as the terrifying image drew closer, his curved sword swinging wildly. Just as he seemed about to separate my head and body, I snapped back to reality.

England’s Lake District filled with charm and history

When I arrived in the northwest corner of England which prompted poets and other writers to wax so eloquently, it didn’t take long to understand why.

Cruising exotic Southeast Asia

Vacationers enjoy the luxury of a first-class hotel along with top-notch meals and entertainment while getting to sample places they might not feel at ease visiting on their own.

From bombsite to beach town

An ironic side to the story is that because of the decades of Navy presence on the island, much of its natural beauty has remained intact.

Montreal, for a ‘round the world’ experience

Following a bountiful breakfast of dim sum, my wife Fyllis and I strolled along lanes lined by shops selling merchandise both familiar and unknown to us. Some stores displayed unrecognizable animal body parts, others herbal remedies said to heal a hospital full of ills.

Hitting the road for vacation? Think RVs!

The latest fad with the 50-plus generation is taking a recreational vehicle for vacation instead of getting hotels. It is a way of getting away from all the hustle and bustle of the cities and getting back to the small town scenic view. With more time available, you can take longer trips to see more of the country instead of flying over it and being rushed. You get to explore places you have only seen in magazines and on television. Being able to control your destination has become the ultimate trip. This is a way of testing the waters to see if you want to sell your house and be on the road full time.

Tours combine biking with breweries

The tours, which range from a few hours to several days — offer a chance to meet other travelers, learn about the local culture and, of course, sample some great beer.

Tuscany combines beauty, history, food, art

Vineyards and groves of olive trees blanket rolling hillsides and spill down into deep valleys. An ancient stone villa, its entrance road lined by parallel rows of tall, straight cypress trees, tops many hills.

Hiking through history in Southern France

The pre-trip information promised visits to medieval villages, walled cities and castles and an immersion in the history and culture of a region unfamiliar to even many French people.

China revisit offers glimpses into past, present

Billboards that recently touted the benefits of socialism now advertise designer clothes and the latest electronic gadgets.