Multigenerational living needs open-minded communication

Klugman had certain expectations of what he’d like to see in return for welcoming his daughter and granddaughters into his home in terms of sharing responsibilities and space — starting with the eating area.

Find Anne of Green Gables on Prince Edward Island

As the surf laps at your feet and sand dunes stretch for as far as the eye can see under a sky filled with billowing clouds, it becomes clear that your search for the enchanting island the irrepressible Anne Shirley falls in love with is complete.

Old, young work toward peace at home and abroad

Like old friends, they chatted, caught up and reminisced.

Montreal, for a ‘round the world’ experience

Following a bountiful breakfast of dim sum, my wife Fyllis and I strolled along lanes lined by shops selling merchandise both familiar and unknown to us. Some stores displayed unrecognizable animal body parts, others herbal remedies said to heal a hospital full of ills.

Caregivers lend each other ideas, helping hand

Caring for a loved one was the number-one source of stress for 69 percent of 1,000 family caregivers surveyed in a recent study on the financial and emotional costs of caregiving.

Funky trip into rural Virginia’s past

By Victor Block MADISON COUNTY, VA — The intersection of two narrow roads that is the closest thing to the center of Syria, Virginia— population about...

In terms of retirement readiness, Boston region is 10th in the U.S.

By Brian Goslow Boston residents rank 10th in re-tirement readiness, according to a study of the country’s 30 biggest metropolitan areas by Ameriprise Financial Services,...

Bay State strives to provide secure retirements

Baby boomer “tsunami” catches state by surprise.

Nepal, a postcard setting come to life

The setting resembled a stunning picture postcard come to life. Soaring, snow-capped mountains provided a backdrop for green-clad terraces carved out of steep hillsides. In fields below, men and women wearing a rainbow of colorful clothing bent low to pick golden shoots and tie them into huge bundles, which they carried to a rickety wooden wagon pulled by a pair of water buffalo.

Grandparents find challenges, rewards raising grandkids

The three sets of grandparents who turned out on a January evening while the region prepared for a blizzard were already experts in thawing out chilly conditions.