State officials visit constituents at 35th Senior Conference

Hudson - State officials shared vital information with hundreds of guests at the 35th annual Senior Conference, held April 23 at Hudson High School. The free conference for constituents in the Middlesex and Worcester District was hosted for the seventh year by state Sen. Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton. “The Senior Conference is a really nice tradition and I’m proud to continue it,” he said. “The legislative delegation in this area works very hard for seniors.” Eldridge has observed some changes in the attendees’ main concerns over the years.

Dorcas Miller, tennis star at 74

Concord resident Dorcas Miller is still playing tennis at 74 years young. Her drive to play tennis started in her late 30s. “I was a bored homemaker and felt I needed something more in my life,” Miller recalled.

ActiveRx to expand corporate headquarters in Westborough

Westborough – According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the loss of strength and stamina attributed to aging is in part caused by reduced physical activity. By age 75, about one in three men and one in two women engage in no physical activity.

Shrewsbury couple to celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Shrewsbury – It’s been said that love knows no bounds, whether life’s challenges lie in age, health or distance; true love can conquer all. There is one such love story going on in Shrewsbury between Lawrence and Frances Laganelli, who will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on June 30. Although health issues have caused both to move a little slower, their love continues to give them strength.

England’s Lake District filled with charm and history

When I arrived in the northwest corner of England which prompted poets and other writers to wax so eloquently, it didn’t take long to understand why.

Athletes of all skill levels welcome to participate in senior games

This June, hundreds of athletes will converge upon Springfield College to participate in a multitude of sports including track and field events, basketball, swimming and tennis among others.

Ten day trips throughout New England

For her first day trip in retirement, Marie Esteves took her chances at Foxwoods Casino Resort. It was always the center’s most popular day trip, which she scheduled at least three times a year.

Unique vacation digs

Ari and Brad Nicholson settle for the night in the most luxurious setting they’ve enjoyed anywhere. Their penthouse is lit by chandeliers and includes opulent touches like a martini bar and hot tub.

Spring into the great outdoors this season

Although it’s tempting on the first nice day to go out and play 18 holes of golf, jog several miles or tackle your entire yard clean up, experts advise starting on the slow side, even if you have been working out inside all winter long.

Ashton Applewhite fighting aging stereotypes

We marched in the 60s; now we’re all 60. It’s time to use those same voices to make change.