Southborough artist masters the ancient art of encaustic painting

Southborough - Southborough artist Catherine Weber is a fascinated by encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, in which pigments are added to heated beeswax and painted on a surface. “There’s every sense — the smell of the wax is wonderful, the luminosity, the flexibility - all of these things make encaustic wonderfully flexible,” she said. “This art is several thousands of years old. It’s been found on Egyptian [sarcophagi], and on the hulls of Greek ships.”

Massachusetts surgeon pioneers multidisciplinary breast cancer clinics

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Like clockwork, every year on Dr. Michael Wertheimer’s birthday, he receives cards from several breast cancer survivors, some of...

Hershey: It’s not just about the chocolate

Every family member enjoyed tasting five mini-bars. We allowed the chocolate to melt on our tongues, as instructed, while trying to distinguish a wine-like list of textures (from smooth to granular), smells (including woodsy and fruity) and tastes (citrus, coffee, nutty).
As Harvard University’s 2023 Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year, actress Jennifer Coolidge led a parade through Harvard Square in Cambridge on February 4. Photo/Jon Chase/Harvard University

It’s been a long road to ‘The White Lotus’ for Jennifer Coolidge

By Brett Peruzzi, Managing Editor NORWELL – One of Jennifer Coolidge’s first acting roles was as Auntie Em, with a total of two lines, in...
Robyn Gold of Framingham is monitoring and treating her sleep apnea, with her doctor’s approval, using a smart ring and phone app that measures her oxygen levels.

‘DIY’ healthcare is changing the industry and people’s lives

By Brett Peruzzi, Managing Editor REGION - It’s been increasing in recent years due to technology enhancements. The shortage of medical staff and available appointments...

Circle of Friends Coffeehouse features live music in Franklin

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Franklin - Thirty years ago - in rented space in the Franklin’s Masonic Hall - Circle of Friends (COF)...
Drugstores like Walgreens offer hearing aids, but depending on the store, selection and assistance may be limited. Photo/Debbie Spingarn

Over-the-counter hearing aids offer savings but also challenges

By Debbie Spingarn, Contributing Writer Drugstores like Walgreens offer hearing aids, but depending on the store, selection and assistance may be limited.Photo/Debbie Spingarn REGION –...

Tuscany combines beauty, history, food, art

Vineyards and groves of olive trees blanket rolling hillsides and spill down into deep valleys. An ancient stone villa, its entrance road lined by parallel rows of tall, straight cypress trees, tops many hills.
Fifty Plus Advocate May 2021, Entral Edition

Fifty Plus Advocate May 2021 (Central Edition)

How to deal with holiday stress and anxiety

This will be the first Christmas that Rakan Smith, 53, will spend without one of his parents.