Tuscany combines beauty, history, food, art

Vineyards and groves of olive trees blanket rolling hillsides and spill down into deep valleys. An ancient stone villa, its entrance road lined by parallel rows of tall, straight cypress trees, tops many hills.

Self-publishing authors get the word out

For over 50 years, even before they married in 1961, Gloria Daniels’ husband, Arthur, had been telling her that she should write books. “I didn’t pay any attention at all,” she said. “Then I hit 70 — and I’m writing books.”

Savannah comes to life through stories, history

Savannah may conjure thoughts of John Berendt’s 1994 book and subsequent movie, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, about a murder that took place in the Mercer House.

There’s help for older adults suffering mental illness

For some battling mental health issues, it’s all about taking those tiny steps. For older individuals, the challenges can be greater.

Tours combine biking with breweries

The tours, which range from a few hours to several days — offer a chance to meet other travelers, learn about the local culture and, of course, sample some great beer.

Take the time to plan for healthy travel

By Dr. David Rideout The busy summer travel season is just a few short months away, and many of you have spent some time and...

Older consumers driving auto market

This is not your father’s Oldsmobile or even the Dodge Dart you drove in your formative years or purchased as your son or daughter’s first car.

The youngest boomers have a say

Brian Hopper, 50, of Rutland, entered adulthood differently than most of his contemporaries. His father had served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II and being from a Scottish family where “everybody goes into the military,” his natural inclination was to join the U.S. Army voluntarily.

From bombsite to beach town

An ironic side to the story is that because of the decades of Navy presence on the island, much of its natural beauty has remained intact.

Miami’s colorful neighborhoods beckon

A rooster strolls by colorful storefronts where vendors hack pieces of sugar cane, which passers-by purchase and chew to extract the sweet juice.