Holocaust survivor speaks at Northborough middle school

(l to r)  Sam Weinreb, Lainey Bechta (8th grade student), and Kay Senior (8th grade teacher) Photos/Jane Keller Gordon By Jane Keller Gordon, Contributing Writer Northborough -...

Volunteering in the community – Scituate Animal Shelter

As a nonprofit no-kill animal shelter, the Scituate Animal Shelter helps over 500 dogs and cats find their new forever homes every year, according to Executive Director Maryann Regan. The organization is primarily volunteer-run and funded solely by private donations.

Miniature horse ‘Rosie’ brings joy to all ages

When Barbara Shaer would go to visit her mother, Ida Baker, who was living in a nursing home, another regular visitor there was a therapy dog. Since Shaer had recently retired from a career in health care, her brother Stephen Shear suggested that she consider doing pet therapy as well – but with a twist.

An exotic kind of love

Belinda Rempelakis’s first foray into the world of animal rescue came, as it so often does, at the behest of her daughter. But although Rempelakis does have a much-loved rescue dog, 14-year-old Peanut, it is another group that she is most passionate about rescuing – so-called exotics - mice, rats and ferrets.

Pets and People Foundation – offering pet-assisted therapy

Nearly 25 years ago, Joel Wolff and his wife, Penny Schultz, along with their dog, started volunteering as a therapy team. Now, the couple volunteer (and Wolff serves as president) with the Pets and People Foundation, a nonprofit organization that offers “people therapy through pets.”

Kindness matters – Veterinarian is also accomplished author and musician

Shrewsbury - Dr. Monica Mansfield, 55, greets her patients by sitting on the floor - gently hovering her hand - then touching their furry backs. Kindness and compassion are always paramount to the way she conducts her practice of veterinary medicine at the Medway Animal Hospital, as well as all other parts of her life. Although she loves being a veterinarian, there are many unique facets to this multi-talented woman. She is a published author of two books and a talented musician and passionate fan, producing and hosting Shrewsbury’s award-winning cable show, “Mostly Rock ‘n Roll.

History and beaches abound in St. Augustine

Visitors may enjoy a carriage ride in the historic district. Photo/submitted By Victor Block In 1607, a small band of settlers founded the first permanent English...

Making magic professionally for over 40 years

Worcester – Fran Flynn of Worcester was first influenced by the wonder of magic as a teenager. Now with over 40 years of experience, he continues performing as a professional magician throughout New England and beyond. He was introduced to magic at age 14 while attending the YMCA by staff member Steve Dacri. When not working at the Y, Dacri operated his store on Lake Avenue known as Imperial Magic.

Teachings from the trail

One day I was hiking on a wooded trail, alone. Technically, I was accompanied by two people but they were far ahead of me on the path. As I trudged along, I said to myself, “Life is a lot like hiking.”

Hull artist aims to create jewelry each week of the year

Many people have New Year’s resolutions such as losing weight or getting their house organized. But for 2017, Priscilla Beadle of Hull decided to set a goal for the New Year that would correspond with a milestone birthday, her 75th. She is set on creating a new handmade necklace each week of 2017.