Salem’s Artists’ Row continues evolving in 14th season

Artists’ Row participant Sibel Alpaslan of Ceramics by Sibel photo/submitted By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Salem – Artists’ Row in Salem continues to evolve in its...

Barry Scott finds his groove with ‘The Lost 45s’

Barry Scott with David Cassidy during his 1997 book-signing appearance for “Could It Be Forever? My Story” at downtown Boston’s Barnes & Noble By Ed...

Ten ways to age positively

Dr. Jerry Gurwitz photo/Jane Keller Gordon By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Geriatrician Dr. Jerry Gurwitz’s challenge is to help his older patients maximize their quality of...

Nonprofit uses ancient custom of ‘gleaning’ to provide fresh produce for the hungry

Volunteers show off some of the produce they harvested from a local farm. photo/submitted By Valerie Franchi, Contributing Writer Most of us don’t think about what happens...

A lifelong commitment to the military

  By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Southborough – Chris Robbins, 74, believes that military training creates a lifelong backbone of leadership and character. “We were trained in...

Author shares the joy of healthful green cleaning

Leslie Reichert on “The Dr. Oz Show” By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Northbridge – Leslie Reichert of Northbridge often got sick in the 1990s when she...

Team Hoyt – Legendary father-son duo continues to inspire, lead and advocate

Team Hoyt and their supporters at the finish line of the 2014 Boston Marathon By Bonnie Adams, Managing Editor The words “heroes,” “legends” and “icons” are used...

Driving trips around the world offer amazing views

Some drivers follow a route along one of the highest roads in the world. Others steer their car through a much lower setting which hugs an ocean coastline at sea level. Then there are journeys that take people through some of Mother Nature’s most magnificent handiwork.

Funny pharmacist dispenses doses of laughter

Billerica/Revere – Artie Januario of Billerica understood that he was destined to ultimately follow his family’s tradition of becoming a pharmacist back when he played football as team captain at Immaculate Conception High School in Revere and graduated in 1973. However, he was unaware at the time that he’d concurrently headline as a stand-up comedian at clubs nationwide.

Special Olympian celebrates 50-year milestone

Scituate - Thousands of miles from the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea, Scituate-native Ricky Pyne (59) is getting ready for his next gold medal quest. Ricky, who has Down syndrome, has competed in the Special Olympics for the past 50 years.