Phil Knutel stands with his birth mother Maggie Byrnes at the Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine.

Hudson man reconnects with birth mom decades after adoption

By Dakota Antelman, Contributing Writer HUDSON - Phil Knutel has three adopted children. Halfway across the country, Maggie Byrnes briefly helped families like Phil’s navigate...

Fifty Plus Advocate June 2021 (Eastern Edition)  

Fifty Plus Advocate June 2021 (Central Edition)

Teaching with a passion for safe, quality yoga focused on age and ability of...

By Mary Pritchard,Contributing Writer  CAMBRIDGE - In 1986, Barbara Lyon, feeling like she needed something new and different, attended a yoga class. She recalled that...

Man on the run in more ways than one

By Peg Lopata, Contributing writer NEEDHAM - If there's one person who may have the secret to a super long and healthy life, it could...
Assabet Valley Camera Club coupleTodd and Maureen Mathieson at Hurricane Ridge in Washington State.

Hudson couple share passion for taking pictures

By Serena Domolky Howlett, Contributing Writer REGION - “It was the M&M’s that brought us together,” quipped Maureen Mathieson, with obvious pleasure.  The year was 2000....

Cambridge senior service agency director likes learning from elders

By Peg Lopata, Contributing writer CAMBRIDGE - Liz Aguilo, 55, likes to help others. After she obtained a master’s degree from Simmons College School of...

Marlboro Shamrocks kicker Patrick Caruso returns for 2021 season

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Marlborough/Clinton – While currently working his second stint as a Marlboro Shamrocks kicker, Patrick Caruso wears a helmet that’s...

Local seniors help Sudbury Valley Trustees protect and preserve open space

By Brett Peruzzi, Contributing Writer Region - It’s been a long year of restrictions imposed by the governor because of the COVID-19 pandemic. One salvation...
WISE members Photo/submitted by Monica Gow

It’s good to be WISE

Assumption University WISE program engages lifelong learners during pandemic and beyond   By Jane Keller Gordon Worcester - Art history, bird watching, and immunology are three of...