A sign notes the number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Massachusetts as marked by flags on the property of Grafton’s Mike Labee.

COVID-19 memorial in Grafton going strong over a year later

By Morgan Hume, Contributing writer GRAFTON - It has been over a year since the coronavirus pandemic began. Millions of people around the world have...
Fifty Plus Advocate JUL 2021

Fifty Plus Advocate JULY 2021 CENTRAL MA

Fifty Plus Advocate JUL 2021

Fifty Plus Advocate JULY 2021 Eastern MA


Basketball’s Massachusetts inventor valued accessibility above all else, historian says

By Dakota Antelman, Contributing Writer   SPRINGFIELD - There’s a wing of the basketball world focused not on NBA perfection, but on pickup game proficiency.  Historian Jeff...
Dedham high school drama and music teacher Steven Bergman brings his professional theater experience to his students.

Dedham High teacher’s work experience benefits his performing arts students

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor   DEDHAM/WEYMOUTH – Dedham High School’s music and drama teacher Steven Bergman of Weymouth brings lessons to his classes that...
Dan Milton displays his World Marathon Majors medal.

Hudson’s Dan Milton prepares to run his 25th Boston Marathon

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor HUDSON – Dan Milton of Hudson has already achieved one of his goals. He ran all six of the...

An advocate for the invisible, dismissed and devalued

By Peg Lopata, Contributing writer  BOSTON - Edith Bazile, an educational consultant in her sixties and volunteer from the Boston area is on a mission....
Dr. William R. Short describes himself as a "Viking nerd."

Bose inventor finds his Viking muse

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor SOUTHBOROUGH – Dr. William R. Short, who lives in Southborough, describes himself as a “Viking nerd” in spite of...

Massachusetts surgeon pioneers multidisciplinary breast cancer clinics

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Like clockwork, every year on Dr. Michael Wertheimer’s birthday, he receives cards from several breast cancer survivors, some of...

My Life My Story program adds life stories to veteran’s medical records 

By Mary Pritchard, Contributing Writer  BOSTON - The My Life My Story program has been changing the way veterans and their doctors connect. Dr. Susan...