Fifty Plus Advocate October 2021  
Grooming a horse is one of the components of an equine therapy program at Windrush Farm that engages people living with dementia.

I’m Still Here engages, gives hope to people living with dementia

By Susan Gonsalves, Contributing Writer WINCHESTER – In the news, dementia is typically presented as a disease that robs you of yourself and makes you...
“Humans evolved to move. We evolved to be physically active,” says Harvard professor and evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman.

Whatever your age, exercise is good for you

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer When he gets up in the morning for his daily run in Cambridge, the weather is often cold and miserable...
Recumbent tricycles are becoming especially popular with older adults. Photo/Helen Kahn, All Out Adventures

Recumbent bicycles growing in popularity among older adults

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer If you’re a recumbent bicyclist, you recognize it as a familiar experience. That’s because as a child, you probably rode...
Older residents of Massachusetts who are struggling financially may get some relief from the state’s Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit. Photo/

Massachusetts seniors may be eligible for circuit breaker tax credit

By Kelley Walker Perry, Contributing Writer  BOSTON – Older residents who are struggling financially walk into the Mattapan Family Service Center at 535 River Street,...
The Shrewsbury Council on Aging’s Intergenerational Pen Pal program between seniors and middle school students has proven to be very popular with both groups.

Power of the pen binds generations

By Michele Collins, Contributing Writer SHREWSBURY - During the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the people Hollie Lucht, director of the Shrewsbury Council on Aging, worried...

For healthy feet, take care of your overall well-being

By Debbie Spingarn, Contributing Writer REGION - Seventy-five percent of Americans will experience foot problems at some point in their lifetime, and adults over the...

FPA September 2021  
Alfred Consigli receives his French Legion of Honor medal.

World War II veterans share stories at event in Hudson

By Laura Hayes, Contributing Writer HUDSON — Alfred Consigli was 18 and living in Milford when he was drafted to serve in World War II....
A sweeping view of Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge on Chappaquiddick Island. Photo/Richard Cheek

Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge showcases Chappaquiddick Island’s natural beauty

By Colin McCandless, Contributing writer  Chappaquiddick Island – Nestled on Chappaquiddick Island lies a hidden gem called Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge, featuring 516 pristine acres...