“Humans evolved to move. We evolved to be physically active,” says Harvard professor and evolutionary biologist Daniel E. Lieberman.

Whatever your age, exercise is good for you

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer When he gets up in the morning for his daily run in Cambridge, the weather is often cold and miserable...

Hank Phillippi Ryan – acclaimed reporter and novelist

Hank Phillippi Ryan in the Newton home she shares with her husband Jonathan Photo/Chtose Suzuki By Bonnie Adams, Managing Editor As the investigative reporter for Boston’s...

Cheese, truffles and history: Treasure hunting in Piemonte

The platter was covered with what resembled small piles of leaves from a fall lawn raking. The brown, green and black heaps hardly invited sniffing, much less tasting. Yet sniff and taste I did.

Autobiographical writing is good therapy

As people get older they’re dealing with a number of losses or new problems, illnesses, new ways of living … by writing about those things, people could express it.

Tyrol is a fairytale setting come to life

If mention of Austria conjures up images of tiny villages of flower-bedecked chalets, cows and sheep grazing on hillsides so steep you wonder how they can stand, and people who cling proudly to their colorful traditions, you’re probably picturing the Tyrol.

Shrewsbury couple to celebrate 70th wedding anniversary

Shrewsbury – It’s been said that love knows no bounds, whether life’s challenges lie in age, health or distance; true love can conquer all. There is one such love story going on in Shrewsbury between Lawrence and Frances Laganelli, who will be celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on June 30. Although health issues have caused both to move a little slower, their love continues to give them strength.

Walt Disney World keeps the experiences fresh

By Sondra Shapiro LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. — As a Walt Disney World (WDW) frequent visitor, I am continually surprised how my experiences are different each...
A conservatively estimated 68,000 children are now being raised by their grandparents throughout Massachusetts.

Retiring to raise grandchildren is a growing phenomenon

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer REGION - Former Massachusetts state legislator John B. Lepper’s youngest daughter had addiction problems: Both drugs and alcohol. Not a...

Discovering the invisible connection of empathy

Hopkinton author believes empathy is greatly missing today By Deborah Burke Henderson, Contributing Writer As a young boy, he noticed his mother was a great listener....
A display of spoons in progress show the various stages from block of wood to finished product. Photo/Sandi Barrett

Discover the art of spoon carving

By Sandi Barrett, Contributing Writer REGION - When you find a small, beautiful block of wood, is your first thought―that would make a great spoon?...