Reverse mortgage – Feeling anxious?
By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Charitable Managing Director
Information you can trust
As Managing Director of the nonprofit charitable mortgage company, Helping Hands...
Dementia prevention and physical activity
By Dr. Keith Darrow, PhD, Hearing & Balance Centers of New England
Prevention is only available “treatment” for the mind robbing diseases of cognitive decline...
Moving into a long term care facility
By Micha Shalev
Part one of this series appeared in the April issue of the Fifty Plus Advocate. Part two appeared in the May issue...
The grace of forgetting
By Marianne Delorey
“Blessed are the forgetful, for they get the better even of their blunders.” Friedrich Nietzsche
“To be able to forget means sanity.” Jack London
People who...
Recharge your driving skills with AARP Driver Safety
By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts
Spring is upon us! The warmer weather means more cars, bikes and pedestrians on our roads and it’s...
Reverse mortgage basics
By Alain Valles, CRMP, CSA, MS, MBA, Nonprofit Charitable Managing Director
Information you can trust
As Managing Director of the nonprofit charitable mortgage company, Helping Hands...
Making yourself at home despite the landlord
By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.
I recently had a tenant accept an apartment sight unseen and move across the country to her new place. I personally...
Reverse mortgages and healthcare
By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA, Managing Director of Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) self-funded nonprofit charitable organization $88 billion borrowed for healthcare
Moving into a long term care facility
Part one of this series appeared in the April issue of the Fifty Plus Advocate. Part three will...
Happy 33rd Anniversary: May is Better Hearing Month
By Dr. Keith Darrow, PhD
Hearing & Balance Centers of New England
By the President of the United States of America - A Proclamation
“Sounds, whether we...