Finding My Voice

By Marianne Delorey Ph.D. Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Little comment, big change

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer It’s thought-provoking, how a small event, even a small remark, can change a life’s trajectory. You move along confidently in...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

In search of a piece of toast

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Hopeful Consumer Lady needed a new toaster. She thought this would be easy. She splurged for a nifty-sounding high-tech model from...
Dennis Sullivan & Associates team

Planning, prevention and preparation help families maintain dignity and control

By Dennis Sullivan & Associates Our team had a recent COVID-19 real world experience with our client, “Mrs. Cronin,”  a member of our Lifetime &...
Janice Lindsay

Keep pedaling

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The summer I was 7, I was obsessed. I desperately wanted – no, I desperately needed – a bike.  Not that...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Finding the inner artist

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer An artist friend gave me a card that says, “We are all artists even if we don’t know how to...
Janice Lindsay discusses all of her things that go "beep."

Back-to-school envy

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Do other grown-ups gaze longingly at the “School Supplies” store shelves at this time of year?   All those lovely blank notebooks...

Reverse Mortgages conquer inflation

Inflation. It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s here.   By Alain Valles, MBA, MS The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced inflation hit 7%. A new high since...
Mike Festa

New AARP Analysis Shows Massachusetts COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Declining in Nursing Homes; Chronic...

Nursing Homes Report Staffing and PPE Shortages BY MIKE FESTA, STATE DIRECTOR, AARP MASSACHUSETTS The latest release of AARP's Nursing Home COVID-19 Dashboard shows that both...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Cold weather inspires invention

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Earmuffs. This month formally marks 145 years since the earmuff as we know it was invented. The story goes that 15-year-old...