Reverse Mortgages – Take action

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS No regrets. If you are at least 62 years old and own a home with some equity, then you should...

In service of others

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever...
Janice Lindsay

When walls talk

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I once had occasion to visit a doctor who was new to me and whose office I will never forget.  Doctor-visiting...
Mike Festa

Affordable Connectivity Program and heating assistance help

BY MIKE FESTA, STATE DIRECTOR, AARP MASSACHUSETTS High speed internet is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. And with the COVID-19 pandemic now entering its...

Reverse Mortgages combat uncertainty

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS So many things are causing fear. Globally—world conflict, the next Covid strain, gas prices, and inflation. Personally—cash flow needs, mortgage...

Indifference is Too Great a Burden to Bear

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. “I believe empathy is the most essential quality of civilization.” –Roger Ebert   When I was 11 years old, I finally convinced my...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Cold weather inspires invention

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Earmuffs. This month formally marks 145 years since the earmuff as we know it was invented. The story goes that 15-year-old...
Mike Festa

8 Questions to Ask if a Loved One Is in a Nursing Home

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts REGION - Americans living and working in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities have been disproportionately affected...

Reverse Mortgages conquer inflation

Inflation. It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s here.   By Alain Valles, MBA, MS The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced inflation hit 7%. A new high since...

There are no words

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. When my son was about seven, he told me he remembered crying in a crib. I asked him about this early...