Janice Lindsay

We did it for Grandma

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The recipe for this meal begins “Dig a hole.”  Following a family tradition that began decades before I was born and...
Mike Festa

AARP Massachusetts presents webinar series on brain health

BY MIKE FESTA, STATE DIRECTOR, AARP MASSACHUSETTS Despite common misconceptions, a weakening brain is not an inevitable part of aging. It’s true that the brain...

Reverse Mortgages – You should be concerned. I am.

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS  I’ve been helping senior homeowners for over 20 years navigate how to financially age in place. Reverse mortgages are an...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Spring cleaning and the dusty mind

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer With good intentions and delusions about the extent of my ambition, I compile a list of household chores to complete...

Finding My Voice

By Marianne Delorey Ph.D. Mother Teresa once said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” ...
Mike Festa

AARP Massachusetts shines a light on 50+ Bay Staters who give back

BY MIKE FESTA, STATE DIRECTOR, AARP MASSACHUSETTS As the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older, AARP works to strengthen...

Reverse Mortgages – Children’s concerns

By Alain Valles, MBA, MS Are you at least 62 years old and own a home with some equity? Do you wish to have access...
Janice Lindsay

A guilty pleasure, but I don’t feel guilty

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my mother gave me an age-softened novel called “The Woman-Haters,” I was not excited about reading it, being a...

Finding a community where we belong

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. “Sport creates friendships and a sense of belonging that is unrivaled.” –Alex Newsome   Bernie moved into Colony and quickly became an integral...
Mike Festa

AARP Massachusetts weighs in on FY 2023 state budget priorities

BY MIKE FESTA, STATE DIRECTOR, AARP MASSACHUSETTS AARP is the nation’s largest nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how...