When it comes to parent, child relationship everything old is new

By Marianne Delorey As a child, my parents always came to my aid when I was confronted with belittling educators. That support mattered the most...

Simple household products provide low-cost solutions

By Brenda Diaz Have you ever loaded your laundry machine, only to find you have run out of fabric softener? Some grocery list staples may...

Defining and understanding culture change

By Micha Shalev Many senior living organizations are working to transform their institutional character into a home and community-like environment. This undertaking amounts to a...

What happens after an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis?

By Micha Shalev Are you kidding me, I have what!? It can’t be true. It has to be a mistake. When you first receive a...

Aging healthfully can add quality of life to your years

By Judith Boyko Advances in medicine enable us to live longer than our ancestors did. In the mid-1800s, for example, one’s mid-30s was the typical...

School and learning isn’t just for kids

By Brenda Diaz The warm days of summer and spending time outdoors are quickly coming to an end. What will occupy your time in during the...

Ten things to know about resident associations

By Marianne Delorey Resident associations, or tenant councils, often plan activities and represent the group to housing managers. Here is what I have learned about...

Getting your parents to sit down and say ‘yes’

By Marianne Delorey I have been in elder care for over 25 years. I have studied the psychology and economics of aging. I know the...

Recognizing signs of abuse in dementia afflicted adults

By Micha Shalev One occasionally reads of sensationalized newspaper stories of elderly Alzheimer’s and dementia victims who were subjected to abuse or neglect while...

A cause of memory impairment rarely suspected

By Micha Shalev When life’s challenges include memory loss or dementia, your perceptions, relationships and priorities inevitably shift. Changes to our sleep patterns naturally occur...