Skin cancer primer: Testing and lifestyle key to success

By Judith  Melanoma. Basal, Squamous and Merkel cell. Lymphoma. Kaposi Sarcoma. There’s an alphabet soup of skin cancers, but what are they? According to the Mayo...

Sundowning and troubling behavior in people with dementia

By Micha Shalev Some people with Alzheimer’s disease experience confusion and agitation that escalate in the late afternoon or evening. They have trouble going to...

Meaningful, quality visits with dementia sufferers

By Micha Shalev If you’re headed out to care for or spend some time with a friend or family member who’s is the middle stages...

Dementia sufferers: Wandering and sundowning

By Micha Shalev Wandering may be a response to restlessness, agitation, fear, boredom or physical discomfort. It may be a continued expression of a life-long...
Sundown syndrome is characterized by agitation and confusion which peaks during late afternoons and evenings.

Sundown syndrome affects majority of adults with dementia

By Sharon Oliver, Contributing Writer REGION - Before people became familiar with Alzheimer's or dementia due to a loved one being stricken with either disease,...

Fences and bridges can separate and reconcile groups

By Marianne Delorey© Everyone has heard that birds of a feather flock together. It is a normal part of human nature to seek out people...

After the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease

By Micha Shalev Are you kidding me, I have what? It can’t be true. It has to be a mistake. When you first receive a...

Common types of dementia and their unique characteristics

By Micha Shalev Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions that result in damaged brain cells or connections between brain cells. When making a...

The unforgettable story about someone who forgot

By Marianne Delorey Many years ago, I was helping to take care of a group of elders who had suffered some memory loss. I came...

‘Rementia’ versus ‘Dementia’

By Micha Shalev Dementia is conventionally defined in terms of neurological changes in the brain and an inevitable and progressive decline in the individual's cognitive...