How to visit with Alzheimer’s, dementia sufferers

By Micha Shalev If you’re headed out to care for or spend some time with a friend or family member who’s is the middle stages...

The unforgettable story about someone who forgot

By Marianne Delorey Many years ago, I was helping to take care of a group of elders who had suffered some memory loss. I came...

Being organized can make life easier

By Marianne Delorey Because life is short, even a task like organization should have priorities, and this is the time to take simple steps that...

You have a choice when it comes to post-surgical care.

By Judith Boyko Imagine this: you’re getting ready for surgery. Your hospital bag is packed. Your family is prepared to take over your daily tasks...

Who will take care of our frail elders?

By Judith Boyko Every day, 10,000 baby boomers turn 65. That’s one day closer to retirement and one day further along in the aging process....

Is this what you want to be said about you?

By Marianne Delorey Our loving, but very private mother, Mary Tarrier, died last week, leaving behind a terrible mess for her friends and family to...

Healthy eating for older Americans

By Colleen Daly Studies confirm eating well and being active can make a difference in the quality of life for older adults. The key is...

What is Alzheimer’s Disease, and what causes it?

By Micha Shalev Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurologic disease of the brain. It leads to the irreversible loss of neurons and the loss of...

Should children be forced to visit mom and dad?

By Marianne Delorey China has enacted a law to help contend with the demands of caring for an aging population. Children are now required by...

7 ways to feed your brain: From A to Zinc

By Judith Boyko There are myriad reasons to eat healthfully. Some of those reasons include living longer and stronger, maintaining good energy levels and thinking...