7 ways to feed your brain: From A to Zinc

By Judith Boyko There are myriad reasons to eat healthfully. Some of those reasons include living longer and stronger, maintaining good energy levels and thinking...

Does my loved one have dementia, or not?

Dementia is the progressive deterioration in cognitive function — the ability to process thought (intelligence).
Participating in a clinical study can enhance personal well-being, provide solutions, and strengthen an individual's effectiveness as a family caregiver.

Clinical studies offer opportunities for family caregivers

By Rhonda R. Fletcher, Contributing Writer REGION - One in five Americans, over 53 million, are caring for a family member in the United States. In...

The second empty nest takes some getting used to

By Marianne Delorey © John Andrew Holmes once wrote, “A child enters your home and makes so much noise for 20 years that you can...

Dementia sufferers: Wandering and sundowning

By Micha Shalev Wandering may be a response to restlessness, agitation, fear, boredom or physical discomfort. It may be a continued expression of a life-long...

The prospect of dementia

Only few want to grow old, as most of us are afraid of becoming senile. But now that our bodies last longer in better health, including our brains, the prospect of living a fulfilled old age is better than ever before.

Understanding and handling wandering and the dementia sufferer

There are a number of reasons why many people with Alzheimer’s wander away and get lost. It is often that they forget where they are or decide to do something, then get lost as they forget what it was they were trying to achieve. This is not always the case and wandering may be the sign of distress or illness.

Taking care of yourself critical for caregiver

Caregiving is such a small and innocent word for such a large and often stressful job.

Aging healthfully can add quality of life to your years

By Judith Boyko Advances in medicine enable us to live longer than our ancestors did. In the mid-1800s, for example, one’s mid-30s was the typical...

Defining and understanding culture change

By Micha Shalev Many senior living organizations are working to transform their institutional character into a home and community-like environment. This undertaking amounts to a...