How to avoid caregiver burnout

By Judith Boyko As Americans live longer and remain independent in their homes, responsibilities for caring for them fall on family members and friends. According...

Don’t wait for a crisis to decide on late life housing

By Marianne Delorey Lou and Bob lived in their home for 60 years. They had aged, but they compensated. Where Lou was forgetful, Bob could...

Being organized can make life easier

By Marianne Delorey Because life is short, even a task like organization should have priorities, and this is the time to take simple steps that...

Difficult choices can lead to the best care

By Brenda Diaz Making the decision to place a loved one in a community may be one of the hardest choices to face. However, it...

You have a choice when it comes to post-surgical care.

By Judith Boyko Imagine this: you’re getting ready for surgery. Your hospital bag is packed. Your family is prepared to take over your daily tasks...

Taking care of yourself critical for caregiver

Caregiving is such a small and innocent word for such a large and often stressful job.

Healthy eating for older Americans

By Colleen Daly Studies confirm eating well and being active can make a difference in the quality of life for older adults. The key is...

Navigating the different levels of long term care

By Micha Shalev Nearly half of all Americans will need long term care at some point. One in five over the age of 50 is...

How observation versus admission affect Medicare patients

By Micha Shalev Hospitals have the ability to classify Medicare patients as an observation admission during the patients’ stay. Observation admissions are apparently paid at...

Your kidneys and you: How to stay healthy

By Judith Boyko Many of us don’t pay much attention to our kidneys — until we have to. Our kidneys, according to The American Kidney...