Helping people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in case of emergency

People with dementia are especially vulnerable to chaos and emotional trauma. They have a limited ability to understand what is happening, and they may forget what they have been told about a particular disaster. First responders, neighbors and family members assisting with an evacuation should be alert to potential reactions of someone with dementia in disaster situations.

The second empty nest takes some getting used to

By Marianne Delorey © John Andrew Holmes once wrote, “A child enters your home and makes so much noise for 20 years that you can...

Sleep problems in individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

By Micha Shalev Persons with Alzheimer's disease often appear to sleep less or sometimes, more. Sleep problems may be caused by pain, medication, lack of...

Tips for effective communication with memory impaired loved ones

Both family and paid caregivers may overlook various barriers to effective communication with impaired older adults and consequently misinterpret verbal and behavioral messages.

Dementia complications

By Micha Shalev Why do people who have dementia become agitated? Agitation can be caused by many factors. A sudden change in surroundings or frustrating situations...

Skin cancer primer: Testing and lifestyle key to success

By Judith  Melanoma. Basal, Squamous and Merkel cell. Lymphoma. Kaposi Sarcoma. There’s an alphabet soup of skin cancers, but what are they? According to the Mayo...

Financial planning tips for caregivers

By Michelle Murdock Becoming a caregiver can result in many challenges; communicating with doctors, managing your time and your parents’ health, and just as importantly,...

The legacy left by America’s favorite funny man

By Marianne Delorey© In honor of Robin Williams, whose recent passing shocked and touched us all, this article is a reminder that depression lies. Depression is...

How to deal with agitation in the dementia sufferer

By Micha Shalev Dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but the risk of dementia increases sharply with advancing age.  Its prevalence is expected...

How observation versus admission affect Medicare patients

By Micha Shalev Hospitals have the ability to classify Medicare patients as an observation admission during the patients’ stay. Observation admissions are apparently paid at...