Is this what you want to be said about you?

By Marianne Delorey Our loving, but very private mother, Mary Tarrier, died last week, leaving behind a terrible mess for her friends and family to...
Navigating through the maze of caregiver agencies is time consuming and tough for the patient and his or her family. Start things off right by being organized

Do your homework before choosing a caregiver agency

By Janice Elizabeth Berte, Contributing Writer  REGION - When an individual or family decides to seek out caregiving services, they must ask themselves many questions....

How observation versus admission affect Medicare patients

By Micha Shalev Hospitals have the ability to classify Medicare patients as an observation admission during the patients’ stay. Observation admissions are apparently paid at...

Preparing for the loss of a dementia sufferer

By Micha Shalev From many years in this business I found out way too often that adult children caring for a parent diagnosed with dementia...

10 things I have learned about managing care for someone else

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. “You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” ― J.K. Rowling, Harry...

Emergency preparation planning tips

By Kathy Savage Being ready for emergencies requires basic planning and awareness of events that could lead to a loss of electricity, damage to your...

The high cost of Alzheimer’s care at home

By Micha Shalev More than 35 million people worldwide will eventually forget the names of their children, spouses and friends. And those forgotten will witness...

How to deal with agitation in the dementia sufferer

By Micha Shalev Dementia is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but the risk of dementia increases sharply with advancing age.  Its prevalence is expected...

Alzheimer’s disease: It’s impact on the patient and the family

Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder which gradually destroys or impairs the individual's brain cells. It creates problems in thinking, remembering, and the ability to perform what once were simple tasks such as taking a bath, driving a car, or writing a check. Alzheimer's disease affects more than four million people. Most are 65 years of age and older with a dramatic increase in the incidence of the disease in the 80-plus population.

The unforgettable story about someone who forgot

By Marianne Delorey Many years ago, I was helping to take care of a group of elders who had suffered some memory loss. I came...