Emergency center, Mass. 2-1-1 helps with elderly concerns

Participants from over 80 state agencies and service organizations were not only discussing possible scenarios in which immediate action to save lives would be necessary, but making sure 2-1-1 was ready to handle the thousands of expected calls from people reporting power outages and flood damage and requesting emergency services.

How to stop a loved one with dementia from driving

When an individual is diagnosed with dementia, one of the first concerns that families and caregivers face is whether or not that person should continue driving.

Builders cite rise in ‘mother-in-law suites’

Betsy McCann and her husband, Jim Forbes, often worried that his mother was growing isolated in her Los Angeles-area home. At 90, Lois Brokus had stopped driving and was sometimes afraid to be alone in her house.

Seek and you shall find

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D. “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”  - Abraham Maslow  I...

Little Things Mean a Lot

In 1954 Kitty Kalen sang, “For always and ever, now and forever, little things mean a lot.” And so it is when elders are trying to stay independent.

How to recognize signs it’s time for placement

More than 15 million Americans devote time and energy to caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, but sometimes the cost of caregiving becomes too high. Caregivers find themselves unable to bear the burden of providing home health care without suffering from stress and illness themselves. At that point, it may be time to consider whether to move a loved one into senior care if their health needs become too much to handle at home.

Love can overcome life’s obstacles no matter what

Marlu Taylor looks into her husband’s face. His expression has an almost childlike innocence to it. “What did you tell me this morning? You remember?” Marlu asks Buddy.

How to recognize signs it’s time for placement in a specialty memory care facility...

Moving a family member into memory care facility is never an easy decision. However, there are some telltale signs that caregivers can look for in order to recognize when it’s time for assisted living:

How to choose adult day care for loved one

By Micha Shalev No matter how efficiently and effortlessly you have adapted your life to the role of caregiver, eventually you are going to need...

Quitting driving: Families key but docs have role

Families may have to watch for dings in the car and plead with an older driver to give up the keys — but there’s new evidence that doctors could have more of an influence on one of the most wrenching decisions facing a rapidly aging population.