Dementia as a global epidemic

By Micha Shalev Dementia is a mental state used to denote severe cognitive impairment which impacts daily activities and life. Alzheimer’s disease is one of...
Marianne Delorey of Colony Retirement Homes

For the love of food

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D., Executive Director, Colony Retirement Homes “One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” ― Virginia Woolf The US...

Helping people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in case of emergency

People with dementia are especially vulnerable to chaos and emotional trauma. They have a limited ability to understand what is happening, and they may forget what they have been told about a particular disaster. First responders, neighbors and family members assisting with an evacuation should be alert to potential reactions of someone with dementia in disaster situations.

Safety monitoring of a loved one diagnosed with dementia

By Micha Shalev, Co-owner of The Oasis at Dodge Park We get news every day of remarkable developments in the tech world that claim to...

Elder Care Resource Guide Fall 2017/Spring 2018

Here is the Elder Care Resource Guide for Fall 2017/Spring 2018.

Elder Care Resource Guide 2016 – 2017

Here is the Elder Care Resource Guide for 2016-2017:

Abuse and neglect of the Alzheimer’s patient -red flags

Elder Abuse is one of the most overlooked public health hazards in the United States. The National Center on Elder Abuse estimates that between one and two million elderly adults have suffered from some form of elder abuse. The main types of elder abuse are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, neglect and self-neglect, abandonment, and financial exploitation. Elders with dementia are thought to be at greater risk of abuse and neglect than those of the general elderly population.

Dementia end stage: what to expect

By Micha Shalev During the end stages of dementia, a person will gradually become dependent on others for all their care and activities of daily...

The safety of the person with Alzheimer’s disease

Caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer's can be rewarding - and stressful. Home safety is important for everyone - but it carries added significance for caregivers. This is especially true if you're caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease in your home. A throw rug or a stray toy on the steps could easily put your loved one at risk of a fall or injury.
Marianne Delorey of Colony Retirement Homes writes about "the otherness" of aging.

Creative engagement

By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D., Executive Director, Colony Retirement Homes   “There are two ways of spreading light – to be the candle or the mirror that...