Preparing for the loss of a dementia sufferer
By Micha Shalev
From many years in this business I found out way too often that adult children caring for a parent diagnosed with dementia...
Building the self-esteem of an Alzheimer’s sufferer
By Micha Shalev
Alzheimer’s sufferers were once vital men and women, leading active, interesting lives. Left in the wake of a disease, which robs them...
How to deal with bullies in senior housing
By Marianne Delorey©
Although we usually think of school-aged kids when we think of bullies and the bullied, there is a fair amount of bullying...
How to prevent falls in the elderly during winter months
By Michael Miskis
It’s important to think about safety and fall prevention before the snow falls and icy conditions form around your home. As one...
Top 10 ways for young and old to practice ageism
By Marianne Delorey©
Our entire society — everything from schools to nursing homes, is structured around age. It is hard to argue that ageism isn’t...
What causes delusional, paranoid, hallucinatory behavior
By Micha Shalev
Delusional, paranoid, hallucinatory behavior may be a response to internal or external factors. They most often occur as a result of brain...
Why Alzheimer’s suffers, rummage, hide and lose things
By Micha Shalev
Alzheimer’s suffers my have a tendency to rummage through the belongings of others. They may also have a tendency to hide or...
Fences and bridges can separate and reconcile groups
By Marianne Delorey©
Everyone has heard that birds of a feather flock together. It is a normal part of human nature to seek out people...
Caregivers should get the support they need
By Melissa Weidman
According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 65 million people, 29 percent of the U.S. population, provide care for a...
The legacy left by America’s favorite funny man
By Marianne Delorey©
In honor of Robin Williams, whose recent passing shocked and touched us all, this article is a reminder that depression lies.
Depression is...