Bay State receives $1.7 million to help consumers navigate long-term care options

““We know how difficult it can be for individuals and caregivers to deal with a sudden illness or chronic disease while at the same time trying to navigate through a complex health care system to figure out where to go to get appropriate help.”

AARP wants to know what you think about Medicare, Social Security

BOSTON — AARP leaders across the country, and in Springfield, today announced the launch of You’ve Earned a Say, a national conversation about strengthening health...

One Care Plan slated to start in two months

The Patrick Administration announced on July 16 that three managed care health plans had passed their “readiness review” and now have signed contracts to...

Advocacy group reacts to House budget agreement

WASHINGTON – AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond offered the following statement in reaction to the budget agreement passed yesterday evening by the U.S. House...

Chelmsford prepares for 50th Fourth of July Art Festival

Roberta Witts, president of the Chelmsford Art Society Photos/submitted By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor Chelmsford – After the Chelmsford Art Society (CAS) was founded in...

Caregiving conflict – caring for the caregivers

By Micha Shalev There is truth in the statement, “You can never make everyone happy.” If the person you can’t seem to satisfy is the...

New Guidelines Define Pre-Alzheimer’s Disease

By Marilynn Marchione The first new guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease in nearly 30 years establish earlier stages of the mind-robbing disease, paving the way...

Retired reporter strong advocate for prison reform

“It’s unfortunate that in many states where capital punishment has been abolished, prisoners may face life in prison without possibility of parole (LWOPP),” said Nathaniel Harrison, recently elected to the board of the Criminal Justice Policy Coalition, an organization “dedicated to the advancement of effective, just, and humane criminal justice policy in Massachusetts.”

Massachusetts lawmakers pass Adult Guardianship Act

BOSTON — Massachusetts crossed a major hurdle yesterday when the House of Representatives passed the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act (UAGPPJA).  If...

Obama seeks deal, proposes cuts to Social Security

WASHINGTON — Seeking an elusive middle ground, President Barack Obama is proposing a 2014 budget that embraces tax increases abhorred by Republicans as well as...