Medicare takes center stage in Mass. U.S. Senate race

BOSTON  — The future of Medicare is taking center stage in Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate race, with both candidates saying the other would jeopardize benefits to...

Friendly phone chats uplift Hudson seniors’ spirit

Hudson – A number of seniors in Hudson have found a simple way to avoid loneliness. They’ve enjoyed friendly phone calls with Alexandria “Alex” Boule, a 2013 Hudson High School alum. While studying at Regis College as a social work major, she inquired about an internship last summer at the Hudson Senior Center with its director Janice Long. That meeting resulted in a new program for the center known as Friendly Chat.

Obama budget ignores Social Security, Medicare fixes

Speaking at a news conference a day after releasing his 2012 budget — a $3.73 trillion spending plan — Obama said the politically explosive changes in those programs cannot be solved through dictates from the White House. The White House budget proposal does not address reforms to the Social Security pension system, Medicare medical insurance for the elderly or the Medicare program for poor people. Social Security and Medicare are the two largest items in the U.S. budget.

Obama’s budget leaves Medicare, Social Security alone

By Andrew Taylor WASHINGTON — Taking a pass on reining in government growth, President Barack Obama unveiled a record $3.8 trillion election-year budget plan Monday, calling...

Elders, caregivers fare ok in Gov. Patrick’s $30.5B Mass. budget plan

Programs and services for elderly and caregivers suffered some cuts, but for the most part, were level funded at last year’s levels.

Medicare chief seeks better hospital safety

About 1.5 percent of those patients, or 15,000 people a month, suffered a complication that contributed to their death, the inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services said.

Social Security announces 2.0 percent benefit increase for 2018

Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 66 million Americans will increase 2.0 percent in 2018, according to a press release from the Social Security Administration announced today.

Advocates urge Gov. Patrick to spare vulnerable seniors

BROCKTON, MA — Six days before Gov. Deval Patrick announced his budget cuts to elder home care services, elder rights groups including Old Colony Elder Services (OCES), the...

Gov. Patrick cuts $15.5 million from elderly services

“Cutting community based services for the elderly is fiscally wrong-headed,” said Mass Home Care Executive Director Al Norman. “Day care and foster care programs keep seniors out of more expensive institutions. At a time when revenues are limited, it makes sense to invest in programs that save taxpayer’s money.”

AARP launches campaign to preserve health and retirement security

Washington, DC, May 4 — With the national debate heating up on raising the debt ceiling, today AARP launched a new campaign to fight proposals...