Social Security benefits to go up by 1.5 percent

By Stephen Ohlemacher
 WASHINGTON — Social Security benefits will rise 1.5 percent in January, giving millions of retired and disabled workers an average raise of $19...

Medicare, Social Security living on borrowed time

WASHINGTON  — Medicare’s financial future is looking brighter despite a growing wave of baby boomers reaching retirement. Getting relief from a slowdown in health care spending,...

Nearly 9 in 10 doubt Obama, GOP can break gridlock

By Jennifer Agiesta and Emily Swanson WASHINGTON — Americans may not agree on much lately, but one opinion is nearly universal: There’s almost no chance that...

Scooter ads face scrutiny from government doctors

By Matthew Perrone WASHINGTON — TV ads show smiling seniors enjoying an “active” lifestyle on a motorized scooter, taking in the sights at the Grand Canyon,...

Medicare, Alzheimer’s targeted in Obama budget

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has proposed a $3.8 trillion budget for fiscal 2013 that aims to slash the deficit by $4 trillion over 10...

Social Security expands field offices hours

By Kristen Alberino, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist, Boston Region - Beginning on January 8, 2020, field offices will remain open until 4 p.m. on...

House GOP considers privatizing Medicare

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., is testing support for his idea to replace Medicare with a fixed payment to buy a private medical plan from a menu of coverage options.

Medicare lawsuits could impact long-term-care delivery

Previously, Medicare would stop paying for a person’s home health care or nursing facility care if the person was considered “stable.” This would force seniors to pay out of their own pocket or stop receiving the care, resulting in the possible deterioration of their health.

Competition cuts down Medicare fraud

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
 WASHINGTON — A yearlong experiment with competitive bidding for power wheelchairs, diabetic supplies and other personal medical equipment produced $200 million in savings...

Fifty Plus Advocate November 2022