Task force urges bone-density tests for more women

By Stephanie Nano NEW YORK — Routine screening for osteoporosis should include all younger postmenopausal women who have at least the same chance of a...

Medicare Advantage enrollment deadline looms

By Tom Murphy Millions of Medicare Advantage customers are fast approaching a deadline for a task they’d rather avoid: Researching and then settling on coverage...

Most would pay more for Romney-type Medicare plan

By Jordan Rau  The type of proposal championed by Republicans to overhaul Medicare by giving beneficiaries a fixed amount of money to purchase insurance could...

FriendshipWorks aids older, isolated Boston-area residents

“We need each other,” said FriendshipWorks Executive Director Janet Seckel-Cerrotti, “especially older people who have to fight diminishment and the lessening social connections that come with age and fragility.” The comment sums up Seckel-Cerrotti’s belief in the value of FriendshipWorks, a volunteer organization based in Boston. Working with a staff of 15, she organizes the activities of a group of about 200 volunteers in the Boston-Brookline area who serve their clients. Both English and Spanish are spoken.

Obama budget ignores Social Security, Medicare fixes

Speaking at a news conference a day after releasing his 2012 budget — a $3.73 trillion spending plan — Obama said the politically explosive changes in those programs cannot be solved through dictates from the White House. The White House budget proposal does not address reforms to the Social Security pension system, Medicare medical insurance for the elderly or the Medicare program for poor people. Social Security and Medicare are the two largest items in the U.S. budget.

Gov’t: Health tab to hit $4.6 trillion in 2020

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON — The nation’s health care tab is on track to hit $4.6 trillion in 2020, accounting for about $1 of every $5...

Helping veterans and active duty military members

On Veterans Day, the nation honors the men and women who risk their lives to protect our freedom. Social Security honors veterans and active duty members of the military every day by giving them the respect they deserve. A vital part of that is administering the Social Security disability program.

Age-friendly communities spreading throughout Massachusetts

How age-friendly is your community? Age-friendly communities are places where people of all ages and abilities have affordable and accessible housing choices, as well as public buildings, retail and services, parks, and streets that meet their needs to stay safe and comfortable in both their homes and neighborhoods.

Romney would raise eligibility age for Medicare

By David Espo DETROIT — Four days before critical primary elections, Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney outlined a far-reaching plan Friday to gradually delay Americans’ eligibility...

Medicare premiums not as high as feared

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON  — Medicare’s basic monthly premium will be much lower than expected next year, the government announced Thursday. That could pay political dividends...