Home is where the heart is

By Marianne Delorey “Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head… That way it will go with...

Jobs available for boomers when economy rebounds

A new study suggests that when the country comes out of its current economic malaise, there’s the likelihood of there being more jobs than people to fill them. That’s good news for baby boomers looking to get back into the job market and exploring “encore careers.”

Federal funding boosts new Alzheimer’s research

Researchers will test promising drugs aimed at preventing Alzheimer’s and identify and validate biological targets for novel therapies, with approximately $45 million in new...

GOP blocks legislation to award seniors $250

“Basically, they have their benefit levels flatlined at a time when they’re encountering higher costs, reducing their quality of life experience and disappointing them greatly about Social Security,” said Rep. Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D., a member of the Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee.

Health overhaul confusing Medicare beneficiaries

By Kelli Kennedy MIAMI — Dear seniors, your Medicare benefits aren’t changing under the Affordable Care Act. That’s the message federal health officials are trying to...

SHINE helps seniors, disabled with Medicare issues and questions

The SHINE Program (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) is a Massachusetts health insurance assistance program providing health insurance information, counseling and assistance to Massachusetts residents with Medicare and their caregivers. It is administered by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs along with elder service agencies, social service and community based agencies, and Councils on Aging. The program is partially funded by the federal agency Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Older Americans struggle with student debt

By Kimberly Heflin WASHINGTON — Rosemary Anderson could be 81 by the time she pays off her student loans. After struggling with divorce, health problems and...

Most would pay more for Romney-type Medicare plan

By Jordan Rau  The type of proposal championed by Republicans to overhaul Medicare by giving beneficiaries a fixed amount of money to purchase insurance could...

Secretary of Elder Affairs discusses resources available to support elders’ mental health needs

Boston – According to the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), Massachusetts is projected to have 1,178,852 residents over the age of 65 by the year 2020. As such, the department oversees program designed to provide support services, information, options counseling, and education/training to assist older adults in making decisions about things such as healthcare, housing, jobs, nutrition and the next stage of their lives.

Documenting over 50 years from institution to independence

As owner and producer of Connect Your Stories Productions, Judy Faust, 64, of Stow has begun pre-production on her third documentary, “From Institution to Independence: The Donna Jay Story.” Jay is legally blind, and has intellectual and developmental disabilities. She was age 4 in 1960 when their family doctor advised her parents to institutionalize her.