FPA September 2021


Gov. Patrick signs 10-day interim budget

BOSTON — Gov. Deval Patrick has signed a $1.25 billion stopgap budget to keep state government operating while lawmakers complete work on a final spending...

Government: 401(k) fee disclosures may be electronic

Workers with 401(k) retirement accounts are due to receive improved disclosures about the fees they’re paying. The Department of Labor has mandated such disclosure...

Fidelity issues new retirement savings guidelines

By Dave Carpenter Fidelity Investments has issued new savings guidelines suggesting that workers save at least eight times their final salary in order to meet...

Senators accuse home care companies of overbooking care

Senate investigators are accusing three of the nation’s biggest home care providers of deliberately increasing their visits to patients to get higher payments from...

Obama debt taming plan would spare Social Security

By Jim Kuhnhenn WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is backing away from some deficit reduction proposals he considered during failed summer negotiations with House Speaker John...

Fiscal cliff hurts vulnerable Massachusetts seniors

BOSTON – At a time when many older people in Massachusetts are struggling to pay their grocery bills, the Fiscal Cliff automatic cuts — -if...

Seniors may have to pay for Medicare home health

WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 — Medicare recipients could see a sizable new out-of-pocket charge for home health visits if Congress follows through on a recommendation issued...

Important steps to avoid a house fire and stay safe

Worcester – According to the National Fire Protection Association, people age 65 and over are twice as likely to be killed or injured by fires compared to the population at large. Lieutenant Annmarie Pickett, a representative of the Worcester Fire Department (WFD), recommends several steps for fire safety: install and maintain working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms within 10 feet of every bedroom door; be familiar with two exits from the home; and practice home fire escape plans.

Massachusetts elders face worst “independence gap” in nation

By Al Norman March roared in like a lion with the release of a report by a national group called Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW),...