AARP has not changed its position on Social Security

WASHINGTON, June 17, 2011 — AARP CEO A. Barry Rand offered the following statement in response to inaccurate media stories on the association’s policy on...

Nonpartisan panel suggests major changes for Medicare

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar WASHINGTON — As Vice President Joe Biden and congressional negotiators hunt for budget cuts, major Medicare changes that could squeeze billions in savings...

Analysis: Parties maneuvering on debt, health care

By David Espo WASHINGTON— The threat of a first-ever default by the federal government is pushing President Barack Obama and Republicans toward a sweeping agreement to...

GOP presses Obama on spending cuts, Medicare

By Erica Werner WASHINGTON — Face to face at the White House, GOP leaders complained to President Barack Obama on Wednesday that he had not produced...

Ryan Medicare plan ‘on the table’

By Andrew Taylor WASHINGTON— The top Republican in the Senate said Sunday that a controversial House Medicare plan is “on the table” as President Barack Obama...

Senate rejects Medicare voucher program

By Andrew Taylor WASHINGTON — Joined by several moderate Republicans, Democrats controlling the Senate rejected a controversial House budget plan for turning Medicare into a voucher-like...

Americans not buying Medicare cuts

They're not buying it. Most Americans say they don't believe Medicare has to be cut to balance the federal budget, and ditto for Social...

Sen. Brown now rejects Medicare overhaul plan

BOSTON — Republican Sen. Scott Brown, reversing a position he took earlier this month, said Monday he will vote against the House Republican budget...

Resources available to help Bay State residents afford prescriptions

BOSTON — Bay State residents age 50 and older continue to be affected by prescription drug sticker shock, with the majority reporting major problems paying...

Brown won’t say if he supports Medicare overhaul

WASHINGTON — Sen. Scott Brown is refusing to say if he supports turning Medicare into a voucher system, a key part of a House GOP...