New Medicare chief says don’t ration health care

Berwick broke his silence yesterday, telling an audience of health insurance industry representatives that pushing back against unsustainable costs cannot and should not involve “withholding from us, or our neighbors, any care that helps’’ or “harming one hair on anyone’s head.”

Medicare Open Enrollment

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts It’s that time of year again!  Medicare Open enrollment is your opportunity to make changes in your coverage...

What you pay for Medicare won’t cover your costs

Nearly three out of five people say in a recent Associated Press-GfK poll that they paid into the system so they deserve their full benefits — no cuts.

‘Supercommittee’ tackles sensitive issue of entitlements

By David Espo Digging in for a bruising struggle, Republicans on Congress’ powerful deficit-fighting “supercommittee” targeted Social Security and government health care spending Tuesday while...

Obama’s budget leaves Medicare, Social Security alone

By Andrew Taylor WASHINGTON — Taking a pass on reining in government growth, President Barack Obama unveiled a record $3.8 trillion election-year budget plan Monday, calling...

Medicare’s National Mail-Order Program for diabetes testing supplies

Region - If you, a friend, or a loved one has Original Medicare and uses diabetes testing supplies, you should know that Medicare is continuing its National Mail-Order Program that helps you get quality supplies while saving money. This program includes all parts of the U. S., including the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

On This Day: Medicare Proposed by President Kennedy

REGION - On February 9, 1961, Massachusetts native son President John F. Kennedy asked Congress to approve a health insurance program for Americans 65...

Elder Affairs: $6.5 million to end home care wait lists

BOSTON, Feb. 28 — Ann Hartstein, Secretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA), testified before the Joint Committee on Ways and Means about...

On Guard: Fencing for the ages

“When I was a teenager, I met one guy who said, ‘Hold onto this’ and I asked, ‘What end?’ He proceeded to wrap his foil around my foil and tossed my saber across the room,” Shamir said.

May is Older Americans Month

By Catherine Walsh, Intercity Home Care  May is Older Americans Month and the theme this year is “Age Out Loud”.  It was 1963 when President...